Microsuction Ear Wax Removal Aberdeen / NO MORE EAR WAX

Reasons for Earwax Buildup and Microsuction Treatment for Earwax Removal

Our ears produce wax that protects the eardrums from dust and debris, which could otherwise lead to ear infections. Usually, the wax falls out itself; however, it sometimes gets hardened or pushed deeper into the canal.

A buildup of earwax makes your ears clogged, which leads to reduced hearing and increases the possibility of outer ear infections.

Furthermore, a buildup of excessive earwax can lead to several uncomfortable situations such as; sudden hearing loss, buzzing or ringing in your ears, earache, or pressure in the ears.

If such a situation occurs, you need to consult an ear specialist instantly for ear wax removal using techniques such as syringing or microsuction removal.

In this guide, we will discuss some of the possible reasons for ear wax buildup and let you know the best solution for this problem.

So, stay connected and continue reading this guide to explore everything you need to know about ear wax buildup and removal.

Reasons for Ear Wax Buildup

Ear wax buildup mostly occurs due to excessive wax production. However, some of the common reasons for this problem to occur are:

Using cotton buds for ear cleaning. Using cotton buds pushes the wax deep inside the canal

  • Inserting objects into your ear canal
  • Wearing headphones for longer durations
  • Consistently wearing a hearing aid

Microsuction for Earwax Removal

Microsuction for Earwax Removal (also named ear vacuuming) is a treatment process that has been in use for earwax removal for a long. Let's discuss how the earwax process is carried out.

Before starting the earwax removal process, the clinician carefully looks into your ear canal using a microscope. This process helps in finding the blockage.

On the contrary, the clinician may also use a tiny camera with a light. This camera fits into your ear canal and is named an otoscope.

During the microsuction process, the clinician creates a tiny vacuum in the ear, providing suction to dislodge and finally remove the wax.

The clinician uses a long, thin nozzle that fits into your ear to dislodge the wax. The entire microsuction procedure lasts for a few minutes only.

During the microsuction procedure, you may feel suction inside your ear and may also hear some sound of crackling and squeaking. Once the earwax gets dislodged, the clinician removes it either with the vacuum or by using a pair of forceps to pull it out gently.

Benefits of Microsuction

Having understood the entire microsuction process, you might be now searching for some of the benefits of using this process for earwax removal. Search no more. Here we have listed a few key advantages of microsuction process for earwax removal.

  • Microsuction is an effective, quick, reliable, and productive procedure for earwax removal
  • The clinician can see the inside situation of your ear during the procedure
  • Your ear canal does not get exposed to moisture
  • The entire procedure is safe and does not create a lot of mess
  • The doctor can examine any infections during the procedure
  • The microsuction process is a safe and pain-free treatment for earwax removal

Side Effects and Risks of Microsuction Treatment

Apart from the benefits, there are a few risk factors of microsuction treatment. However, most of the side effects are mild and are temporary. Some of the commonly experienced side-effects are:

  • Dizziness
  • Reduced hearing
  • Discomfort in the ears during the procedure due to loudness
  • Irritation

Several studies suggest that using olive oil before the procedure reduces the amount of pain and dizziness.

Final Words

Microsuction is an effective and painless procedure for earwax cleaning from your ear canal. The process involves inserting a long thin nozzle that fits your ear, which functions to suction the wax.

The entire procedure is generally safe and involves no risks. However, to avoid any complications and minimize the risk of ear infections, you must ensure that the entire procedure is performed by a professional clinician or an ENT specialist.

Frequently Asked Questions

Category: FAQs

Signs and symptoms of earwax blockage may include: – Cough – Decreased hearing in the affected ear – Dizziness – Earache – Feeling of fullness in the affected ear – Ringing or noises in the ear (tinnitus)